Murmansk, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, Globe

Communication division

One of the main activities of the company is design and construction of fiber lines of communication for the state and private telecom operators on all territory of the Russian Federation. Fiber lines of communication is a type of communication in case of which information is transferred on the optical dielectric wave guides known under the name "optical fiber". The optical fiber is considered the most perfect physical medium for information transfer now and the most perspective environment for transmission of big information streams to the considerable distances. The bases to read so follow from a row of the features inherent in optical wave guides. The cost of mounting works of the fiber-optic communication line can be determined by professionals only after specification of all technical requirements to the mounted line of optics.


Design of communication lines

Construction communication fiber optical lines

Construction of the cable sewerage

Construction of base stations for cellular communication

Reconstruction and repair the antenna – mast constructions

Construction of power lines